Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I've hardly blogged here...Oops chair has been competing for my time... Here goes my stream of consciousness, my random thoughts, completely void of the least bit of order is keeping me busy. I finally finished my course project for Psychology and am awaiting my grade. I have another test tomorrow of which I am totally unprepared for...again. How does one study in between picking up kids, cleaning the house, doing laundry, changing diapers and preparing meals? is, I need closure, resolution if at all possible. I feel like I am living in limbo, not quite knowing what is in our near future, and I find that very difficult. On a much brighter note...I am so excited for Christmas I can hardly stand it. I'm practically on neighborhood look-out, eager to see the first wreath of the season. Maybe I'll fish mine out of my basement tomorrow and be the first...I've been jumping out of bed lately at the slightest bit of noise from Somer as her baby days are fleeting. She turns 3 in a little over a month and I am sad...each time I buy diapers, I wonder if it's my last time. Where did the time go? These pages in this book called life are turning much too quickly. I will forever look back on these last eight years of baby days as a favorite chapter...I started reading "The Boxcar Children" this week to the girls each night. It's so weird how it immediately takes me back to when I was little, listening to my mom read it. Well, I suppose I should open my Pschology book and study up on cognition, intelligence and creativity. Until next time...g'nite


CFaith said...

It is so funny how books can take you back to memories you didn't even know were there. Last year when I was reading The Chronicals of Narnia to my class, it took me back to when my 4th grade teacher read it to me. I found myself fighting depression while reading this book, because the last time I heard that book was the year my parents divorced.

Desire of Great Love said...

I remember the Boxcar Children. I read those as a kid too. The Hardy Boys- I had a crush on Frank Hardy. What a dork I am.