Wednesday, March 05, 2008

I am off tomorrow.
Just me and the Sumz.
Forecast includes: lounging on the couch under an afghan while watching Backyardigans. Expect a smattering of bagels from Panera mixed with a slight drizzle of coffee at Starbucks. The potential for a game of trouble is high; a nap, probable.

“Sometimes it's important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it's essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.” Douglas Pagels


Tisha said...

I love the backyardigans! I like Uniqua. Sounds like tomorrow will be a great day.

K.M. Saint James said...

I always call them 'mental health' days, and one can never have enough.

Loved the post. Wish I were playing tomorrow -- however, it's off to handle a roomful of 3rd graders. Not exactly low maintenance, but certainly not dull.

Kelle said...

Love that quote. And love that its author's last name rhymes with Bagels. Uuughh...I'd do anything to be sitting with you drinking coffee this morning. Somer could play dolls with Lainey Love and we'd talk or pack up the kids and go to Joann's looking for something to make.

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

Panera... oh how i miss the!
would you believe they DO NOT have one here... dad gum it! i wanna go back home!

sounds like a blissfully perfect day! enjoy! DO take a nap! :)

that IS a great quote!

JoannCryderman said...

Hope you're enjoying your day! I'd love to be there snuggled on the couch with the two of you! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope your delightful dolittle day was wonderful. I cannot wait until the weekend...I am planning my doing nothing...flow charting my absence of activity...trending my idleness...hoping for metrics of zero against a benchmark of diddly-squat with a margin of zip! Can't wait. Let the lethargy begin!