Sunday, March 09, 2008

"Never has there been and never again will there be another you
Fashioned by God's hand
And perfectly planned
To be just who you are
And what He's been creating
Since the first beat of your heart
Is a living breathing priceless work of art and
I can see the fingerprints of God, when I look at you."

Stephen Curtis Chapman


Anonymous said...

She certainly is!!! My first grandchild whose coming was announced with a baby bottle in an Italian restaurant. She is everything I dreamed for and more. Savannah--lots of babies have come since you...and even two wonderful grandsons "stepped" into my heart, but you alone can say you were the first! I love you!

Tisha said...

so sweet and so pretty!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

beautiful little girl... BOTH your daughters!
do you ever just shake your head in awe... the awe of being a mom... the awe of their specialness... the awe of how quickly they grow! it stops me in my tracks at times!