awe... "because if nothing ever changed there'd be no butterflies"! how great is that! so true! i'm gonna grab onto that quote today & run with it! thanks! love...
The sun'll come out tomorrow. Betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow, they'll be sun. Just thinkin' about tomorrow clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow. Come what May! Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya...
lol on "van time" o' wine, baby. And an English Muffin. Now, that's a butterfly. The butterfly comment? Seriously. Where did you get that? Hello. Profound. And that face...I want her.
If you made up the butterfly gotta post that somewhere permanently...or make it like a label (like 'nooks') so that you can regularly update us on those beautiful life-moments of change...
The face is so awesome! How come we grow out of that????
thank you for the sweet comment you left about my birthday. i'm glad we're back in touch again too. it's been too long. i'm hoping to come and see you at clinique sometime soon so you can give me a make-up makeover. :)
so TRUE! butteflies really epitomize just blessed me with one of those "ahaa" moments that I cherish...thanks
awe... "because if nothing ever changed there'd be no butterflies"!
how great is that! so true! i'm gonna grab onto that quote today & run with it! thanks! love...
The sun'll come out tomorrow. Betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow, they'll be sun. Just thinkin' about tomorrow clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow. Come what May! Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya...
Perfectly said. And that face! I just want to grab her and kiss her all over!
i love that post...what a great way to look at days like that. OR I could just go grab some 'van time' and call it a day-LOL
lol on "van time" o' wine, baby. And an English Muffin. Now, that's a butterfly. The butterfly comment? Seriously. Where did you get that? Hello. Profound. And that face...I want her.
If you made up the butterfly gotta post that somewhere permanently...or make it like a label (like 'nooks') so that you can regularly update us on those beautiful life-moments of change...
The face is so awesome! How come we grow out of that????
thank you for the sweet comment you left about my birthday. i'm glad we're back in touch again too. it's been too long. i'm hoping to come and see you at clinique sometime soon so you can give me a make-up makeover. :)
Oh, sweet baby. What made her so sad? Hugs from Aunt Lisa!
Loved the butterfly quote!
Thanks, I needed to hear that today. By the way that is what you look like when you cry. I just had a flashback!!! hahahaha!
Awww, poor Somer :( That's how I feel when I have to go back to Illinois after a Saturday in Michigan, haha
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