Friday, April 04, 2008

This is what I climbed into last night. Is it not just divine? I've always wanted really nice sheets, but never splurged, so this was clearly an event...I turned the covers down around 6pm and lit some candles, so that every time I walked in my room, I'd look forward to sleepy time.

As expected, I slept like a baby.


Anonymous said...

What a phenomenal birthday you must have had!!! I loooooove nice sheets, it is like, the goal of my life to have the most comfy bed in the world! I'm glad someone else appreciates it. So sorry I missed it, I hope you're working tomorrow!

PS- barb is obviously the best!

Stephanie said...

What a pretty set of sheets! They look so comfy!!

they keep me laughing said...

I love the embroidered sheet set! Too cool! My husband bought me a really nice comforter and sheet set last year and we splurged and bought 600 thread count sheets! It's like climbing into heaven each night!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

your sheets are SO pretty!

i agree... high quality sheets are essential! they are! we spend too much time in bed... crispy crunchy sheets just won't do! :)

Tisha said...

they look so lovely on your bed! what a great gift from your mom!

Our Family said...

i have nothing appropriate to say about a night like that...except i'm glad you got a GOOD night sleep!

Anonymous said...

They're lovely.

And I thought you might like this site: There are lovely photos there that make me think of you and your hobby. :)

mrc-w said...

What a nice, comfy-looking bed :)

Jennifer said...

How BEAUTIFUL!! What a great birthday you get to enjoy every night. :))

dig this chick said...
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dig this chick said...

Happy birthday! That bed looks heavenly.

Kulio said...

mmmm....I can imagine your children running to jump into that bed in the morning!