kind of a crappy day
car broke down on the way to work
somer got sick at school
thankful for barb
who brought me a steak mcskillet
and made me laugh
reminding me life is still great
and it is, you know
no matter the circumstances
still...sometimes feel like this print
I think I'll go take a bath
turn up my music
that always seems to help...
( mela on etsy)
i'm sorry you had a crap day. that really sucks.
i think tomorrow will be a better one!!!!! so great you have kelle and lainey coming in this weekend to look forward to!!!! so happy for that.
Carpe damn!
We all have them.
We all endure them.
But how blessed to have friends like Barb who leave their day and meet you in your sucky day. Thank you, Barb, for loving my CJ so.
...and dance, it releases endorphines.
thanks for your honesty.
i took a bath this morning....with the tv where i could see it. i watched grey's anatomy in the tub! it was the best bath of my life! so i recommend wheeling a tv close enough so you can do that sometime. just some thing to make you happy? maybe.
sorry about your car. how annoying.
Argggghh - car problems are the WORST! So sorry your car broke down :( And the weather was crappy too :(
At least you know that tomorrow will likely be a better day!
xo :)
I love that there's always a tomorrow!
And this is totally lame, but I can say it now since today is over...the good times wouldn't be as sweet without the blah times.
Sorry for the crap in your's good it just took Barb and some food to cure it.....well help it!
Love you.....have a good night!
P.S. I want to meet Barb!
awe MAN... one of those days... you soak it up!
that Shelli... i LOVE her creations!
You will like this, Carin:
"You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand. - Woodrow Wilson
big plans tonight to dance.
and watch a movie in the tub.
something with will ferrell in it, perhaps.
LOVE the woodrow wilson really is better to give than to receive...we're enriched when we enrich the lives of's our soul's nourishment.
thanks for the comments, for the love.
Sometimes our day smiles at us.
Sometimes it frowns.
Sometimes it gives us a Chinese Pig!
It's all rich. It's all life. It's all provides color and texture in our quilt of being.
Don't ride your bike to is going to be 17 degrees. I want my money back, I'm not enjoying the show!
laughing...a chinese pig.
I think it's going to be a good day now. even if I ride my bike to work.
love you.
,,,and she did. Somewhere, in the dark and frosty streets of Lansing, Michigan, a determined, fierce and strong mother of three pedals her way to work. She will arrive at Macy's, looking fresh and beautiful, resilient and ready to take on the world. A dead Buick has no power over her. You go, girl!
mmm steak mckillet. it makes everything a little brighter.
love you.
didn't you want to be the girl that rides her bike? in one of your posts from a while ago i distinctly remember a chic girl on a bike. i bet that was YOU today!
very cute print.
Another quotation fine and fitting:
For last year's words belong to last year's language and next year's words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.
T.S. Eliot
No lie, my word verification is sphit!
no sphit!
i wish i had a dad like yours. :)
And I would be proud to have you in my heart and be in your audience...loudly clapping and whispering to those sitting near me, "She's mine!" Have a wonderful day!
Such sweet words to hear that brought tears to my eyes. My dad is no longer living and I long for the strength and leadership that a Dad gives. God bless you and your Dad. You have a great day too!
Hey C -
You DO have the best dad in the world! I love him so much. I can't imagine life without him. He always sees the silver lining. Blessings to your dad. Too bad my girls can't be as fortunate. Their dad disappeared from their lives several years back. He is missing out so much by not being a part of their lives. This is very sad.
But getting back to YOU. Times suck all too often. Cars break down, wallets get empty, our spirits get tested. But guess what. We make it by the grace of God - our dear families and dear friends and we are better for the struggles. Life would be so boring without sphit, wouldn't it?
Love you, little girl! Keep on trudging along........
My word verification is prebsupe! I can only imagine what that can be translated to. :-)~
laughing, bernie, at life being boring without the sphit...I prebsube you are right :o)
you're also right about my dad :o)
I am lucky.
I so love him.
Just for the record, I will always bring you a steak Mcskillet. I will always love you. I will always be there. I might not know the right words, say the right stuff, I might even drop an F bomb or two along the way, but sister..I love you. And its gonna be ok. I promise. And to your Dad, It's Carin who is my gift. Thank you. Love, Barb
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