7:00 am - Alarm goes off, hit snooze
7:04 - Snooze again
7:08 - Make bed
7:09 - Hear giggling followed by fighting. Stop making the bed, lay down the law
7:10 - Finish making bed
7:11 - Whisper, "ENOUGH" as loudly as one can whisper without waking in-laws
7:20 - Make coffee, prepare breakfast for girls
7:25 - Wash up dishes left in sink from night before
7:30 - Tell girls to get up, make beds, get dressed
7:35 - Tell girls to do aforementioned without fighting
7:40 - Switch laundry loads
7:45 - Catch glimpse of gold finch at feeder
7:50 - Bird moment interrupted by Somer's loud, "Sydney, STOP."
7:55 - Tell Sydney to move cereal box away from her face - Somer is allowed to look at her
7:56 - "She's looking at me again."
7:57 - "Toughen up"
8:00 - Sip lukewarm coffee between quick pig-tailing
8:10 - Remind Sydney it's Gym Day
8:15 - Tell Savannah to wipe off colored lipgloss and remind her again only clear is allowed until she's older
8:16 - Grab overripe bananas for snack and anticipate groans
8:17 - Silence groans
8:18 - Tell Savannah to lose the lipgloss attitude
8:20 - Savannah yells, "I'm going to be late!" in front of always on-time inlaws
8:23 - Load up car
8:24 - Girls fight over shotgun
8:25 - Rearrange seating after declaring no one is shot gun this morning
8:33 - Surprisingly arrive early at school
8:34 - Good bye! I love you!
8:35 - As Savannah shuts the door, Sydney yells, "I forgot my gym shoes."
Currently reading : Writing Motherhood: Tapping Into Your Creativity as a Mother and a Writer By Lisa Garrigues Release date: 10 April, 2007
7:04 - Snooze again
7:08 - Make bed
7:09 - Hear giggling followed by fighting. Stop making the bed, lay down the law
7:10 - Finish making bed
7:11 - Whisper, "ENOUGH" as loudly as one can whisper without waking in-laws
7:20 - Make coffee, prepare breakfast for girls
7:25 - Wash up dishes left in sink from night before
7:30 - Tell girls to get up, make beds, get dressed
7:35 - Tell girls to do aforementioned without fighting
7:40 - Switch laundry loads
7:45 - Catch glimpse of gold finch at feeder
7:50 - Bird moment interrupted by Somer's loud, "Sydney, STOP."
7:55 - Tell Sydney to move cereal box away from her face - Somer is allowed to look at her
7:56 - "She's looking at me again."
7:57 - "Toughen up"
8:00 - Sip lukewarm coffee between quick pig-tailing
8:10 - Remind Sydney it's Gym Day
8:15 - Tell Savannah to wipe off colored lipgloss and remind her again only clear is allowed until she's older
8:16 - Grab overripe bananas for snack and anticipate groans
8:17 - Silence groans
8:18 - Tell Savannah to lose the lipgloss attitude
8:20 - Savannah yells, "I'm going to be late!" in front of always on-time inlaws
8:23 - Load up car
8:24 - Girls fight over shotgun
8:25 - Rearrange seating after declaring no one is shot gun this morning
8:33 - Surprisingly arrive early at school
8:34 - Good bye! I love you!
8:35 - As Savannah shuts the door, Sydney yells, "I forgot my gym shoes."
Currently reading : Writing Motherhood: Tapping Into Your Creativity as a Mother and a Writer By Lisa Garrigues Release date: 10 April, 2007
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