Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I attended a meeting this week with Sydney's teacher, student teacher, principal, and speech path-ologist. I literally had to fight back tears as they spoke so highly of my girl - things like..."Sydney is a ball of fire (her teacher said this so passionately - with closed eyes!)....she is definitely here to change the world." And then, "We're all so stunned she's a "new kid" as she acts as though she's been here all her life." I could have sat there all day hearing them sing the praises of Sydney! Then, when I was putting them all to bed (they're all in the same room right now), Savannah and Sydney were rather hyper. I got after them - frustrated - telling them to SETTLE, when I noticed Somer snug under the covers, who appeared to be sleeping. I went and laid with her, telling her how proud I was of her, (she immediately began to smile, all the while, never opening her eyes), how she won the prize tonight for going to bed the best and then what a brave, tough girl she was during her booster shots this week,etc. When I got up, Sydney softly said, "Mom, can you talk to me like you talked to Somer?" So, then I laid with Sydney, and told her how wonderful her principal/teachers think she is, how IMPRESSED they are with her (she often asks me, "Mom, are you impressed with me?") and on and on. And then, just as expected, Savannah said, "Me too, Mom?" So, I laid with her, telling her how proud I am of the leader she is - how pleased I was when during her first week at a new school, she was joining Orchestra, Caring Leaders, Safety Patrol, and more. If there's a program, Savannah is inquiring about it. I'm so proud of my kids...they are three precious, precious girls.


Kulio said...

good mom moments...glad you have this one down for posterity :-) there are times that I really cherish my children...and times when I don't...reading this inspires me to take the time to look and listen today.