Wednesday, November 07, 2007

In response to OttavaBattuta's Lesson in Coolology...

... one must also never wear her husband's black nike socks to work, especially with mom shoes, when she's scheduled at the very cool, very high-end Nordstrom...if in the event she does, perhaps because all of her own socks are dirty, she might find herself desperately trying to hide the heels that extend way beyond her actual foot, whilst her coworkers are prancing about in their tall, very cool, pointed toe black boots...


Kulio said...

I am gasping...hahaha...okay I really needed a laugh tonight. I just made an intake-of-breath hooting sound and it echoed around my kitchen because everybody's in bed.

Oh I am laughing....

Anonymous said...

This is SO ME! I swear I have done the same thing as least a dozen times, but usually the socks don't even match, they're different shades of black!!!! I love you!

Carin said...

hahahaha...I've done that, too - two completely different socks. I always tell myself no one will notice. ha

love YOU