Wednesday, November 07, 2007

She's getting older

She checked the weather this morning, just as she's done since she was little....She practiced her violin scales.... She talked to me about solvents, greasy hair, and eating disorders. She brought me a hot cup of tea tonight...She wants to go to culinary school...She befriends the lonely girls at school...I want so desperately to get this thing foster independence...confidence...creativity....a passion and love for life, for others....I feel inept. Scared. Please help me, God.

I love her.


Kulio said...

They are so beautiful. It's stunning.

And I don't think any of us can do it. So we just go one step at a time, and take the moments where we say and do the right thing as little gifts.

Diane said...

My prayer exACTly.

Carin said...

Oooooh, thank you for commenting!!! Might you be one of the yayas?