Sunday, February 24, 2008

Spoken like a true middle child, she told me I take more pictures of her sisters, than I do of her. So, we grabbed the camera, drove to our favorite spot, and took these pics.


Unknown said...

Ah, the lovely middle child syndrome... what a great excuse to take photos.

I had a dream about your family, we all lived together in Chicago in a little apartment and I was your nanny. It was hilarious but reminded me that you should all visit soon.

Miss your lovely family and I pray that things are as beautiful with you as they look in your photographs.

Anonymous said...

My lovely, spritely, serendipitous Sydney who runs--not walks--to greet you with a cushy embrace, who spills anything she holds but makes you love her through it, whose face always contains a suspicious grin, whose heart beats to please others--ahhhh, My Syds!!! Beautiful photos--but you will never, ever capture her.

Kelle said...

LOVE these pictures...especially the middle one. I like the middle picture of the middle child. She DEFINES middle child. But, she's also the snuggliest! Miss her!

Tisha said...

very cute pictures! does she know that mom is also a "middle child"?

Travelin'Oma said...

I love this blog! Your photos are beautiful. I like the quote by Nelson Mandala and I can't wait to explore further. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your comments were very helpful.