Sunday, March 02, 2008

In the words of Anne Shirley...

Today was a jonah day. I had such high hopes. We were going to have a girl day, my daughters and I. The proposed agenda, known only by me, was as follows: Starbucks. Art Museum. Art Unlimited (nearby pottery place). It was going to be bonding and magical and we were going to dress artsy and funky and laugh and play and someday they'd thank me for exposing them to art and culture, blah blah blah. And then, somewhere in between cleaning their room and taking out the trash...

they started whining.
and fighting.
someone accidentally pulled someone's hair.
someone tattled.
lots of blaming.
I yelled.
I told them we weren't going.
they cried.

And now here I am...feeling quite yucky about my day. We never did made it to the art museum or pottery place. Tomorrow will be better - which reminds me of something else she said...

"Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it." Anne Shirley

I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Regret not the foiled plans of today; Resolve to make tomorrow better. I am half-way done cleaning my closet and gleefully embracing my failure to finish. I am going to watch meaningless television now. And I am at peace with this personal defeat.

Tisha said...

I'm sorry about your "jonah day". However, it's good to see that you followed through with your punishment of not going to have fun, especially when you were so looking forward to it yourself. They will still thank you, especially when they understand the trials and pains of raising Well Behaved children.

Chalk today up as an "obtchb".

obtchb - a fun plan that gets botched up.

Thanks for the Anne! :)

Carin said...

ah, there's nothing like a little jonah on a jonah day! I love checking my comments and finding his sweet face!

laughing at obtchb.

you are clever.

not to mention, a kindred spirit.

Kelly Hutcheson said...

What a great attitude you have! WOW! Love learning from you! xoxo

Kelle said...

You did the right thing by not rewarding them for poopy attitudes. It was the headband. Blame it on the headband. I want to rent Anne of Green Gables RIGHT now and watch it. I need it bad. In fact, I'm going to e-bay it and see if I can buy it! Green Gables or Avonlea? That is the question. Speaking of poopy, somebody gots some stinks in theys dipes.

they keep me laughing said...

Ahh yes! Anne of Green Gables! Tisha bought it on DVD and I stayed up late one night and watched both Green Gables and Avonlea! It brought back so many memories! I also own The Scarlett Pimpernel which brings back many funny memories! Like us trying to learn the dance they did at their wedding. Remember that? :) lol Good times!

Tisha said...

green gables, I think, is the best. it has the best quotes.

I would offer to lend you mine, but I bet Lainey is going to want to watch it over and over just like us. I think it'd be a wise investment! ;-)

Anonymous said...

One of the saddest moments in movie history is the last time Gilbert Blythe calls her, "carrot top." awwww! And what was the mean girl's name? LOVE those movies.

Tisha said...

I want to say penelope but i know thats not it, not Ruby or Jane. Pie! Josie Pie!

the laundress said...

How did you get such a dad, wisdom beyond compare! The only advice I get from my dad is "If you got off that *&^% computer you might find you get some things accomplished around here!"

Anonymous said...

Of all your friends, I think I like The Laundress best, lol. One person's "wise" is another's "tard." The longer we live, the more tolerant and forgiving we become. Life it too short to be "pinched!" And my word verification is "ehmmd" which is Amen in Albanian....I think.

Jennifer said...

So glad other moms have days like those, too...and is humble enough to share them, whilst wonderful enough to make it a better day next time. Love you. jc

Krista said...

just laughing at your dad and 'the laundress'. ah, i think i love them both 'karen'.....
missing you much at this very moment.