Friday, March 14, 2008


I enjoyed this in my mug this new fave.
These creatures are growing rapidly on my girls' windowsill.
I'm feeling a little bit like this about said creatures.
I've been enjoying her music lately.
These arrived today.
Only I wasn't home, so I have this instead.
These make me want to redecorate my place into something more Ikea-ish.
I imagine I'd feel very hip and metropolitan, kind of like her.
It was warm enough for this after work...outside.
But, I'm used to the treadmill, so I kind of felt like this.
I concluded my day here, probably not where Ikea girl ate.
I am full and I am happy.

And that, my friends, was today.


Anonymous said...

I loved every image, every icon of your day. What begins with coffee ends with happy. Hey, good quote for a Starbucks wall. Have a great Saturday--your dad loves you!
Hey, what's the wheelchair by the word verification for? I think I will start clicking on it.

Anonymous said...

Oh do the is a scream, some woman is speaking numbers amid a conversation of aliens...I am not kidding you. Oh, everyone must do is like you, Carin, trying to have a conversation while three little voices carry on their own monologues.

Tisha said...

I love hearing about your day. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new boots. Those were the ones I was looking at when you first posted about them.

To do it less expensively you could decorate 1 room in your house in ikea. I've thought about doing the rooms in my house in different styles.

As for Ikea girl, well she probably doesn't eat. She is from NYC and she only eats lettuce to maintain her emaciated figure which is conveniently photoshopped to look healthier in the picture. Be YOU! It's much more Fab!

Kelle said...

I love these link posts. This one was fun...and those plates are heavenly. Orange and green are coming back in after the 70's!

Kulio said...

Mmmmm...Sunday afternoons spent keeping the phone line busy for a looooong time, reading my Cousin's posts that I have missed!!! I love them. and Kelle, if you read this, I am trying to convince my dial-up to open your blog but it takes soooooo long...haven't seen Lainey in a long time! I'll get there....

mrc-w said...

Sea Monkeys! Hahaha, I had them one time and I thought they would grow into the little cartoon characters on the package, but then I got freaked out when they actually turned out to be little swimming-spider-things!

Kelly Hutcheson said...

Can I borrow those boots? Even if it's not raining I'll wear them in the shower or to IOC! Love you! xoxo