Sunday, March 30, 2008

photo shoot


mrc-w said...

Cute pictures! Sydney and Savannah could be twins! I love their coats, too :)

Tisha said...

Wow, those are amazing! Forget Clinique, you should do photography! The girls are adorable. Sydney and Savannah are SO Sodemen. Somer is ALL you.

Kelly Hutcheson said...

WOW! They remind me of me with my big sisters growing up! Love these!! xoxo

Kelle said...

SOOO good, Carin! We're so going to the white barn when I come up!!! Somer's face in the last one is so funny!

Stephanie said...

These pics are sooo great, Carin! What great shots! Very cool!

they keep me laughing said...

those pics are awesome! i love black and whites. they are my favorite. i scrapbook, and most of my scrapbook is full of black and white photos. great job! maybe when i want some really cute pictures of the boys at the park this summer, i should hire you to take them :)

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

priceless JOY!
they are precious beauties!
really great shots!!!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

hey girl! i drew your name! :) i hope there is something that you find that you might like in the shop... choose anything! if you would just do me a favor... log in (at top right)... this will allow you to set up a profile on my site... that way i get your address! :)

carie said...

your girls are so gorgeous and you do such an amazing job caputuring their expressions...great pics!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Carin...may your day bring more sites to record in photos and more sounds to hold in your memory and more hugs to warm your heart. I love you.