Sunday, April 20, 2008

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." ~Anne Bradstreet


Tisha said...

great pic, yay for warm weather and daffodils!

Anonymous said...

"If we had no winter, each day would contain spring's sweetness." --Your Father (who still has to admit an appreciation of spring, but refuses to connect it back to some manufactured gratitude for the ravages of winter)

Our Family said...

hahahah... amen to your dad!! snowed here today...for the 3rd time this week.


Kulio said...

ohhhh daffodils...I'm seeing them everywhere!

S Club Mama said...

I love this quote; most people have no idea who Anne Bradstreet is let alone quote her! And I do have to say that you are a really great photographer.

Beth said...

Sorry about the snow Katie! Carin the picture looks great. Don't you love the lens? Did you find these on your walk the other morning?

Carin said...

yes - on my wonderful, peaceful, sunny morning walk...while talking to you. :o)