Tuesday, April 01, 2008

in her own little world at the bookstore...


Our Family said...

the third child.....long sigh...they're like dessert...

Kelly Hutcheson said...

Here eyes melt me!! xoxo

Tisha said...

The perfect combination: yellow coat, green ribbon, and sweet girl with an imagination. It doesn't get better than that.

mrc-w said...

Cute pictures!
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! xoxo :)

Anonymous said...

So I may have accidentally read your blog back until like, 2005-- instead of paying attention in class. Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL. I am so jealous, put down the eyeshadow and three-step and start taking more pictures. I am sooooo intimidated!

carie said...

the way she is looking...so intent yet so innocent...love these so much and love the love of reading you are passing along!

Kelle said...

Carin, these are amazing! DIBS ON THAT YELLOW TRENCHCOAT FOR LAINEY!!! She is so delicious.

Stephanie said...

Somer is soooo cute! You captured another great moment in your girls' lives!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say... Happy Birthday!

dig this chick said...

LOVE these pics.