Wednesday, April 16, 2008

look what came in the mail today...


Our Family said...

is that a new lense???

Carin said...


they keep me laughing said...

is that you in the pic? if so, love the hair cut and color! :) the shirt is cute too! looks like a professional pic!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

ooh la la! how FUN!!!!!!!
you're gonna go nuts with that new lense aren't you! i know i would!

incredible shot too!

Our Family said...

sweet...what kind did you get?

Carin said...

AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 55-200 mm
f/4-5.6 G IF-ED (made by Nikon), if that means anything to you.

there's a link on my birthday's near the bottom. it takes you to the circuit city page where it tells about the lense.

Beth said...

I'm excited for you!!! Your going to love it. So how many pictures have you taken today? And what of?

Tisha said...

yay! your b-day present! woo hoo for new lenses, that one rocks!!!

Trish said...

WOW! That's some lens. I just want to learn how to use my D80.

Kelle said...

YAY!!! And that picture is awesome! Can't wait to see the pics you take with it!

Liz Harrell said...

Very nice camera! Love your haircut too!

Amy said...

I need a big girl camera!!

So cool!

Heidi said...

Ooooohhhhh a new lense. How much fun you will have that! That picture is sooooo cool! How did you do that? If I do that in a mirror, I get a major glare. XO

Kulio said...

sWhite background! Too cool!!!!

Angie Seaman said...

Love this lense. I have the same one. Hope you are enjoying your new gift. :)
Blessings, Angie Seaman