and, yes, that is me standing next to him.
while at work today, I spotted him.
said he was in town for a wedding.
and no, he wouldn't mind having his picture taken with me.
I've since come to the realization that I have total mom hair.
the news reporter bob clearly has to go.
I'm just sorry I didn't realize it before my Carter sighting.
then he might have asked me to be on his show.
thank goodness, I wasn't wearing the coordinating mom shoes.
Well, I would have you on my show, mom-bob or not. It was so weird because I watched Carter's show yesterday on HGTV...little did I know that he and my daughter were fast friends! Hook Up Gene works again.
YOWSA!!!!! He's a HOTTIE! J & I are HGTV "junkies". Jason is always giving me a hard time about having a crush on C.O. Look at him...I mean COME ON!
I do LOVE the show, his hotness aside! I think you're hair looks adorable, Carin! COOL pics!! :o)
Who cares about the bob. I didn't even notice it, I was to busy looking at someone else!!! HOT!!!! LUCKY!
Holy crap he's HOT.
And I love your hair.
You two look pretty good together!! I'm just sayin'.
Hot to trot. Whoa. If I suggested Brett wear a blazer and a baseball cap out to go shopping, he would laugh his butt off.
you made me laugh out loud...in fact, my husband came over and snuck a peek...he might not be Carter but he thinks your hot!!!
HOLY CRAP...you had me on the first pic...now im here riddeled with jealosy...
...I have always been a fan of the spiky pixie look you had goin on back in the day...sans the "sting' highlights...lol...remember that?
I LOVE CARTER O!!! We watch his show "Carter Can" ALL OF THE TIME!!!! OMG HES SOOO FAMOUS!!! You look hott too!! You 2 could be on the cover of gap mag!!
Oh that is SO SO fun!!! And you look like a hot chick, NOT a mom.
So did you just go up and ask him??? Brave!
YUMMY! You look great too! PA LEEZE, you always look great Carin!
Nice work!! You totally have the hook-up gene - LUCKY!! :)
P.S. You look great in the picture too!
DDDAAANNNGGGGGGGG!!!! loss for words...
well aren't you the lucky one! good grief, he's good lookin'!
And i love your hair, although i understand the awful feeling of thinking that you might possibly have "mom hair".
in the first pic, he kind of looks like your brother. too cool! how weird that he would be in lil' ole' Okemos huh?
Oh, I thought the same thing...the first picture he does look like Christopher! Fantastic Carin...and please don't change your hair! I love it.
WOW...I miss living in LA and seeing all the star sightings...the hottest guy I saw was Richard Simons...you can be very jealous!
He's is most definitely cute! My oh my!
You are too cute too! I'm growing hair out from the last cut too...
Glad you had a camera to grab the shot!
SHUT UP! OMGoodness! That is soooooo fun! I think I would not even know what to say... uh...uh...uh... you're hot! duh! :)
He has always seemed so down to earth... of course by what you can grasp through the tv!
what a treat! I think you look GREAT! Pretty as ever!
Unfreakingbelievable! You rock! And just for the record, you could shave your head and you'd still be totally hot!
Before today, I had never even SEEN this man, and now I think he's a new addition to my "Top Five" list.
(Look out Viggo Mortensen and Hugh Jackman.... you've got some competition!!)
And for the record, you do NOT have mom hair, not "anchor-woman bob"... you're very pretty!
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