Wednesday, April 02, 2008

thirty two...

... things I am happy about right now:

  1. numerous birthday calls, texts, emails (thank you!)
  2. surprise visit at work from mom
  3. kelle's blog post
  4. sunny skies today
  5. sydney's awesome meap results (scored ADVANCED in math!)
  6. this shabby bracelet, coming soon from carissa
  7. luxury, embroidered sheets from mom
  8. homemade pizza with goat cheese, artichokes, tomatoes and onions
  9. yummy strawberry shortcake made by my girls
  10. coming home to my own "special parking spot"
  11. a great husband
  12. my health
  13. good friends
  14. happy people at the grocery store this evening
  15. having the day off tomorrow
  16. good, tenderhearted daughters
  17. new bath goodies from barb and her boys at kiehl's
  18. the future
  19. finding a church
  20. a fun job
  21. my nikon
  22. hope
  23. growth
  24. healthy parents, siblings, extended family
  25. creativity
  26. the girls at work, including the one and only...whitney
  27. tall, bold coffees with cream
  28. neutrogena self tanner
  29. the wonderful world of blogging
  30. lainey love
  31. getting this in the mail soon (gift from husband and daughters)
  32. feeling incredibly loved.
glimpses soon to follow...


Kelle said...

That list is awesome. Love you! My favorite one is clicking on that link to the happy people at the grocery store and laughing hard when it pulled up that staged happy family. Reminds me of the Christmas card picture you sent me from Joann's refrigerator. Nothing like your average 80's smiling family to make you laugh. I think we were that family once. We're much prettier now though. Ha! And happier. I hope I am as happy as you at 32!

Stephanie said...

Hope you had a great b-day! May all your wishes come true! :o)

Our Family said...

don't you mean 'clinique' self tanner....sounds like you had a wonderful day. you look so young and beautiful too. enjoy your day off!!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

what a GREAT post! what a super list of happy things!

Happy Happy Birthday! May this be an exceptional year!

LOL to you!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

forgot to mention... "shabby" is on the way! :)

would love to know which Nikon you have. if you like it? is it difficult to learn? i've been researching the Rebel xti & the Nikons'. the point N shoot cameras have come a long way... but the SLR and it's "endless add-ons" intrigues me to no end!

Tisha said...

Yay for birthdays! I'm glad you enjoyed yours!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE your list. I LOVED clicking on each word for a little surprise!! I am glad you had a happy you!!

carie said...

loved it so clever! hope you had a wonderful b-day!