Sunday, May 18, 2008

east lansing art festival

Sydney, Somer and I took the city bus down to campus yesterday for the east lansing art festival. We perused white tent after white tent of handmade bliss, ate hot dogs, watched a man juggle fire and knives, listened to the girl on the corner play her guitar, and finally, finished our excursion at coldstone creamery. divinity, indeed.


Jennifer said...

Ahhhhh...what a DAY!!!

Memories made...(check)


Beth said...

Looks like fun.....sorry we missed it, but we got our Helen Keller spoon puppet done!!!! Thanks for the idea!!

Kelle said...

wish i was there. you are carving memories into these girls' hearts...ones they will never forget. that's what matters most.
(could these word verifications get any longer? i swear i just typed 22 letters)

carie said...

Love art fairs...the vendors, the food, the cool stuff...thanks for sharing your special day!

Anonymous said...

serendipity, extra-ordinary, "out of the lines"--that's the only way to color! How good to expose the girls to art...I hope they appreciated the bizarre as well as the traditional. And the bus...did they enjoy the bus? Sometimes it is those simple things about a special day that they remember the most--like once when you were little and we went camping and it rained and we had to take everything to the local laundromat and you kids found that place a carnival!!! Love you.

Kelly Hutcheson said...

I love days like that!!

PS Re Kelle's comment, I hate word verification'ing!! I can never read the letters and type them wrong 1 or more times and I dont understand what they're for no matter how many times I read why it's needed. End of rant. tee hee

Stephanie said...

What a neat idea. Very FUN & a cool experience for you and your girls to share together! MARVELOUS! :o)

Tisha said...

Sounds like a fun filled day! I can't wait to make memories like that with Jonah (memories he will actually remember).

Um but - what flavors of coldstone? I thought I saw some cotton candy blue but I wasnt sure. I LOVE the cotton candy. Favorite mix - Cake Batter with Brownie, Banana, Almond. Although I made one up not too long ago with PB instead of almond and that was a winner too. OK done talking coldstone, sadly I could go on...

they keep me laughing said...

hmm...didn't know that was going on there on saturday. i was in lansing too! oh well! looks like you had a blast! can't wait for thursday! looking forward to reminiscing with you and kelle. oh....and if you forgot what i look like - i'm the short, chubby korean one with two adorable boys in tow that look just like me - minus the chubby part :) hehe

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I'm loving reading about all the fun things everyone did this weekend!! We love festivals. :) ~Jill

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

oh we love hot dogs! well... and ice cream! :)

i LOVE the pic of the girl's in the bus... so flipping CUTE!!!!

btw... big bucket of hugs!

Anonymous said...

I love life through little girl sad we grow too sophisticated to find a bus ride an adventure and we look at those hastily erected carnivals in parking lots and just see the tattooed carnies and high-fat foods while a child looks and finds wonder beyond belief. That makes me incredibly sad...and I don't know why...but I want little eyes again, to see wonder in everything, to trust and hope and believe...cynicism is for the very old and the very pinched. And that was just the inspiration of the photo of the girls on their bus ride.

mrc-w said...

You are such a cool Mom!!