Friday, May 30, 2008

professor chubbins

feeling sad this morning and thought I'd cheer myself
up with a bit of rennie. is this not just delicious?


Lisa Y. said...

I love those thighs! Walking past her I just couldn't keep my hands off...she's the cuddliest thing ever! Our Rennie...

Anonymous said...

I love that Esther called her "Professor Chubbins""--she is so squeezable and I have always loved the "hip ride" of a solid baby....great pic! A portion of a full scene that just draws you in and your mind completes all that is unseen.

Carin said...

I believe it was Syd who came up with "professor chubbins".

Tisha said...

great pic, nothing like baby chub to
bring a smile on! it's magical.

Stephanie said...


Carin said...

I take that back...emma coined the name, not Syd.

Anonymous said...

You had me at "...feeling sad this morning..." Love you, Cheen. A Cloudy day often enhances work with this to create a masterpiece. Again, Love!

Heidi said...

Carin, you are so loved and adored. This is what i did to cheer myself up the other day (my blue day:) First, I went to Starbucks-picked up my fave drink. Then, I went to Barnes & Noble, found gossip mag, a photgraphy book, and few things along the way to my VERY OWN BIG FLUFFY CHAIR that was available and free for me to sit on...that never happens to me. I slipped off my shoes, sat cris cross, and enjoyed a full hour of perusment (is that a word?). If this doesn't work...I usually go home, and put on...You've Got Mail! Works everytime:):)
Love ya. xoxo

Kulio said...

Oh isn't it weird that when you have a blue day it feels like you're the only one? Just know you've got sisters who go there too.

Oh, and the legs, the LEGS! My baby pics were like that, and middle child was also such a beaut of a round babe. :-) Yum.

Anonymous said...

Oh to have your perspective. There I was, concerned she wasn't wearing the ruffle diaper cover or her fancy shoes because we were running late. And there you were to capture that delicious thigh and the little chocolate chip birthmark on her foot, which wouldn't have been seen had we been on time. I couldn't ask for a better photo. =) thanks for seeing things the way they ought to be.

Anonymous said...

OK, after Emma's post, I had to look for that chocolate chip I clicked on the pic and it was billboard sized and there it a precious shell on the be found and appreciated. Thank you, God, for those little signatures that tell us we are Yours. Enjoy the day--look for beauty. Avoid the Thighmaster.

HWHL said...

Oh, how I miss those "baby days" with my kids! I miss kissing their toes, and their chubby arms and thighs, and blowing "raspberries" on their tummies and hearing them squeal with glee!

Ah, such fun.
Enjoy! :-)

Kelle said...

uhhhh...I LOVE this picture for a multitude of reasons. The composition is gorgeous and the light with the contrast of her milky white thigh with that dress...and then the fact that it's Professor Chubbins. I swear, I squeezed her thighs fifty times last weekend and I think I ate them thrice. See...this is why I want my kids to be take pictures, paint, write, create...because on blue days, it just makes everything seem yellow. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Mysterious Origin of Professor Chubbins: we were on the UT campus, lying on the lawn thinking we had found a private spot to nurse, when class let out and suddenly students were traversing everywhere. Rennie became very excited and started chattering at the students. She still had a big bald spot on the back of her head followed by a saturn ring of hair, giving the impression of an old man. Old man head + the authority of her chattering naturally led us to believe she was a professor. Commentary ensued: "excuse us, class, but guest lecturer chubbins needs to break for a diaper change." or "Sorry, class, Professor Chubbins is napping. Come back later for the lecture." Thus Professor Chubbins is a product of circumstance, so anyone can technically claim it. =)

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

chubby stumpy chunky baby legs are the best! like a big 'ol yummy chicken leg! :) our Campbell was a chunk-a-munk loved it... so miss it! :)
fun pic!
love to you!