Friday, May 23, 2008


"Just when I'm sure that I can't bear the rain
A tiny leaf starts pushing through the ground
In a place where the soil was too dry to sustain it
A new tiny flower can be found
And I see Him in the rain
And I feel Him wash away
What I do not understand
So new life can spring up once again
And the flowers come to show
That all that rain was helping me to grow" Sara Groves

my new mug. my daily reminder to never stop growing. no matter how hard the rain.


Beth said...

Love the mug and Love the song, but I think it is time for some sun for you don't you think? You need that to grow too. You know where you can find some sun if you need it!! Love ya!

Jennifer said...

Where does everyone find all of these cool quotes??? I am quoteless.

I love that thought about growth. You help me to grow, even from so far away. xoxo

You grow, girl!! (sorry for the cheesiness, couldn't resist)

Our Family said...

and growing you are....

hang in there.

Tisha said...

wow, great lyrics and mug.

hope you had fun today with family, can't wait to get together!

they keep me laughing said...

thinking of you as you continue to grow :)

the laundress said...

missing have been in my thoughts all weekend...I had no cell service, so was unreachable...

grow on sista, grow on!

carie said...

“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.”~Anonymous
It seems that you have chosen...bravo.

Stephanie said...

Wonderful words of wisdom!! :o)

Stephanie said...

Thinking of you...xoxo!