We had our picnic, complete with all the aforementioned, including slippery mac & cheese. We sat in the hot tub and sang songs from hannah montana, high school musical and hairspray. We talked about dream bedrooms. We talked about her friends from school. We were going to play marco polo, but she emphatically said no. "Why?" I asked. Her reply, "It's just too...mysterious."
Love the lunch, love the singing--that room must offer awesome acoustics--and love the "mysterious" rejection of Marco Polo...she's right...haunting words....Mar---co Po---lo. Oh, I scared myself!
LOL! Rik u are too funny! Car~ Glad you and Sommey had a nice lunch! She is so precious!
You know, she's right about that. Close my eyes in a pool and wander around to the sounds of a bygone explorer? WAY too mysterious!!
what a sweetie...oh, to be in their minds...getting those little glimpes...how wonderful!
Haha, what a big word for a little person! :)
"mysterious" that is so good! funny... kids descriptive words!
macaroni & cheese is a glorious GIFT!!!!!
Was it "mysterious"...or was it "inappropriate"?
Ahh yes....the "mysterious" Marco Polo game. We play that every year in my in-laws' pool. We are all grown ups but still get a kick out of playing that. I think it brings us all back to our childhood in some way. We laugh and enjoy that game very much.
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