Wednesday, October 22, 2008

buckham gallery





I think I'd like to be a docent and ride my bike to work.


These (above) were my favorite. I could not take my eyes off them.
I am so inspired, I feel like running to hobby lobby right this
minute for gesso and oils.



Here's a pic of some of his art (below)
All are in bed and I'm soaking in the sweet moments of my day...
morning coffee with my friend barb who turned 40 today
(happy birthday, friend, why didn't we take pictures?)
and then an afternoon spent with my brother, browsing local galleries,
snapping pics for an art website he's working on,
and sharing dreams. It went by much too quickly...


Anonymous said...

Art...our chance to leave our signature on life's canvas--the opportunity to make something of nothing and have it matter. Of all the gifts and graces I see in my children, it is their creativity that makes my heart happy...and their gentle kindness is right there too. And to see them love each other, respect each other and choose to be with each other---ahhhhh, something I want to enjoy with rich coffee or a nice glass of wine. My children are the afghan I wrap my spirit in and feel good all over.

mrc-w said...

Cool pictures!! You guys are all so artistic!

Anonymous said...

Very cool...that is so funny because I was thinking about The Torch the other day.

Carin said...

amy, we almost ate at the torch.

opted for churchhills instead :o)

and I still think of you every time I drive by the landshark. :o)

HWHL said...

Your family has art in your genes! (btw - your brother is a looker! He has that "rugged" look goin' on...) ;-)

Heidi said...

omg...poppa rik's comment about made me cry. sweet.

i love these pictures. they are amazing! did you edit the ones of bubba??? how? i LOVE the way they look. colors so rich and vibrant!

know you had such a great time that day with your that!


Lisa Y. said...

My cousin, the male model. Such a cutie!!!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

okay so your brother is an artist too? your family! wowsers!
those are really... really great shots and sounds like a completely FULL day!

Barb said...

BABY! I love these of your bro.. hes hot btw...i like how they are kinda grainy-ish

Our Family said...

hello GUNS!!! not surprised at all by the unending talent in your family:)

word verification: persu