Friday, October 31, 2008

the "modified cinderella"




why "modified", you ask? because as much as my head is in
the clouds, I do have a practical side and refuse to spend a lot of
money on a dress worn for one day. so, her dress is one she can
wear again...and you should have seen the absolute delight when
I showed up at her school with it...we were going through her
dress up clothes last night and she was showing me things she
could wear. I stopped her and asked, "but, would you like something
new?" and she said, "that's ok, mom. these are good choices."
I honestly lost track of how many times she said thank you.
bless her heart.
this girl is just cupcake frosting.
positively delightful.


Kelle said...

please. i beg of you. ship her down to me. like flat stanley...i need her. i need to love her in person. i hope you lap up her sugar like marshmallow fluff...she deserves it.

Lisa Y. said...

She looks adorable!

Heidi said...

these pictures, those sweet! love the costumes!

Kelle said...

came back and read the story again and almost cried. go buy her a pony. or somethin. let her have whatever she wants today.

Kelle said...

oh, and p.s. the word verification is, no lie, "bless" as in go bless her. give her some money.

mrc-w said...

Aw, what a sweet girl!

HWHL said...

Oh my gosh.... this really made me tear up. "That's OK - these are good choices, Mom."

WOW. That's quite a kid you have there. Cupcake frosting, indeed.

You're clearly a wonderful mother if your girls have such a selfless, sweet spirit.... this was wonderful.

And the pictures are PRECIOUS!
(I put some up on my blog of my 2 kids.... this will be son's last year of trick or treating, so I let him pick a VERY scary outfit... but I do have some funny shots.) :-)

Heidi Lee said...

What a sweet babe! Don't you love when they are so thankful like that?

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

that hair! i gonna eat her... i am! puts the P in precious!
soooo fun to have girls! the dressing & being silly is a girly GIFT!

Beth said...

The hair is cracking me up it is so perfect for her......she is so stinking adorable!

I had fun yesterday thanks for stopping me from my paint brush for a little was well worth it!