Thursday, February 26, 2009

good morning

"The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fact that it practically always doesn't, matters...not a jot. The always there." ~Monica Baldwin (ellipsis added...couldn't help myself...thought it needed some...pauses. I think Monica would understand)

it's going to be a good day.
I just know it.
and a very happy birthday to my cousin, tracy.
toasting my cup of coffee to you.
and your thirty seven fabulous years.
I love you.


Anonymous said...

Your scrumptuous photograph convinced me to go to the cafeteria and get an english muffin with are the temptress. Make the day you! Your dad loves you.

Anonymous said...

Your scrumptuous photograph convinced me to go to the cafeteria and get an english muffin with are the temptress. Make the day you! Your dad loves you.

Beth said...

A little more cream in that coffee then it would be bliss:)

Happy Birthday Tracy!!!!!!

Here's to Tracy and a GREAT day....I'm holding up my T-Ho's right now.

Amy said...

A good day indeed!! I love crispy english muffins...dipped in creamy coffee!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

toasting my mug to you... a bright day... and to Tracy!


pwdrd donuts said...

Nooks and crannies. Couldn't disagree more with Beth... that cup of joe is perfection!

Barb said...

Have you sent this to Entemanns? I can TASTE the butter, baby. (and smell the biscuits)

HWHL said...

I LOVE fresh new mornings!
They are a fresh canvas .... a fresh slice of life... a brand new try, a new "go", for each of us. What a wonderful gift that is!

God's mercies truly ARE new every morning!

Kulio said...

Hey, and it did turn out to be a pretty nice day, huh? THANKS for being the spont in my aeity tonight. I really needed to get out of the house. And I haven't laughed that hard in a long, long time. What a mess!
I love beautiful messes.

Danelle said...

I love the thought of a new day but I absolutely hate going to bed. I do not like to end the day. I never want it to be over. I always am wishing that it could just continue into the next day. I lose a lot of sleep with this mentality!

Anonymous said...

I did not have an english muffin on my bday, but I did have plenty of coffee, and to Beth, who added the bit about the cream, I will drink to that!!! Oh, and I love your comment about the "elipses"...Yes yes, I am sure your author would understand!!!
Cheers to more coffee!
Love you, CJS

pwdrd donuts said...

Booooo! Where's your blog?