Thursday, May 07, 2009

capitol, take 3

















Somer had a field trip yesterday at the steps of the capitol for "ACES",
All Children Exercising Simultaneously. I work within walking
distance, so I ran over on my break to join in and catch a few
pics. You should have seen her...she was so into it.


dad said...

What a cutie! I could just gobble up that grin! Were the steps like the hustle? She looks oblivious to the camera and so into her choreography. Great shots...she continuously melts me!

mrc-w said...

She's totally into it! I love it! Don't you love the capitol? It's so cool that we live so close to it!

Kulio said...

Awwww, what an AWESOME idea! And so fun that you could run over and catch her great workout! I love the pictures of the children's faces.

Kelle said...

oh, that child. the last child...the last course...just dessert.
she looks so happy and intent. love the one of all them dancing on the steps. that city is so cool.

dad said...

OK, let me see if I am right in my memory...if it is the capitol building, it is with an o, like dome. If it is the capital like the city, then it is with an a like lAnsing. That is how I remembered it as a child...someone check and see if I am right.

Heidi said...

aww. these photos are so great! i love how you tell a story with your pics.

the one of her dancing with a friend arm in arm is so sweet!

Heidi Lee said...



Carin said...


Main Entry: capitol
Pronunciation: 'ka-p&-t&l, 'kap-t&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin Capitolium, temple of Jupiter at Rome on the Capitoline hill
Date: 1699
1 a : a building in which a state legislative body meets b : a group of buildings in which the functions of state government are carried out
2 capitalized : the building in which the U.S. Congress meets at Washington, D.C.

3 [2capital] a : a city serving as a seat of government b : a city preeminent in some special activity {the fashion capital}

pwdrd donuts said...

ummm....someone make SURE that Somer doesn't lose her baby teeth.

Desire of Great Love said...

she is so beautiful! she reminds me so much of you :)

dad said...

My dear daughter, I wasn't suggesting you were wrong...I know better than that--I cannot survive that kind of warfare--I was just remembering there are two different spellings for something so similar. It is is "at the capitol" then it is the capitol building, hence the dOme. It it is "in the capital" then it is in the city, hence the a like lAnsing. I think you had it right all along, but thank you for the most excellent word origin information. (I am laughing, but the respectful kind, not the other kind we have both heard).

Carin said...

I just hate that other kind.

Beth said...

I hate that kind too.....unless of coarse it is me doing the laughing:) You always seem to capture Somers sweetness in the photos you take of her. I Love HER! Your a great mom and a great moment capturer!!!!