Saturday, August 28, 2010

random musings of day 4.

11:31.  House full of five girls taking turns singing karaoke with confidence and courage.  And it makes me smile.   I managed to slip away from the madness with my laptop and cup of green tea.  Long day.  Didn't feel well.  Took really long nap and have been in a haze ever since.  Managed to fight through the ugly perfectionist and submit small writing assignment.  I think I bombed it.  Wore my favorite jeans today and fake converse all stars.  I felt alternative.  I believe in truth.  Bad smell coming from behind fridge and can't figure out what it is.  Need new profile pic for facebook.  Something artsy.  Karaoke is calling me.  I love organic milk.  I want to play piano.  Someone is off pitch.  Apartment living is freeing.  Must write about it soon.  I like watches.  I'm rather pleased with mine.  $5, Big Lots.  Wet towels on floor again.  Must install hooks tomorrow.  I hear dishes being washed.  Must be Syd.  I like tan hands.  Oldest just came in to chat.  I like.  These are the nights we will remember, I tell myself.  I need to paint my toenails.  It was Syd.  And I didn't even ask. Courage moves me.  Must write about it soon. 

Until then,



Kulio said...

I like the word, "rather",
must use it soon :-)

Wilde said...

It's a little or a lot sort of scary. And you don't think it will be, but it is freeing. I used to joke--there for a while every time we moved, we were moving to a smaller place--and I'd say eventually we'll be in a hut on the mission field but that would work out just fine, because with love you can live anywhere. Oh, Emma and Kelle sang Karaoke at this "legendary" pizza place across from my school. I can see them now--they rolled up their t-shirts for bare midriffs and sang a Britney Spears song! Love singing raucous Karaoke with my colleagues after PTConferences--my own favs: Please Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight (Eric Clapton version), Blue Skies (Willie Nelson).

Carin said...

I rather like it myself, kulio.

wilde...laughing at the bare midriffs...I somehow had not heard this story! I think I missed you the other sorry.

love yous.

mrc-w said...

We have a mystery stink in our kitchen too! I threw out old food and got rid of my half-rotten birthday flowers, but it's still stinky....maybe the sink?!
I love that you guys were doing karaoke! Fun! Yes, my mom LOVES karaoke!!!

Emma said...

1. vaguely remember karaoke story - my mom may or may not have taken some narrative liberty there but if Kelle can corroborate, I will stand corrected!

2. you ARE alternative! As in, you chose the alternative fake ones as opposed to the ones everyone has.

3. don't think you bombed it.

Emma said...

P.S. I love the music on here! I sang a Regina Spektor (actually, originally a John Lennon song covered by Regina Spektor) song at my daughter's baby naming and almost couldn't get through it.

Carin said...

laughing at the alternative comment...

what was the song? Real love?

Holly said...

So, I came across this wonderful quote from a book I am currently reading & marking up with my Sharpie highlighter (love!), dog earing it, right & left & frankly, it's a mess...but before I managed to accidentally drop it in the bath last night, (And no, that extra glass of wine I had did not cause me to...ok, who am I trying to kid) I copied a lovely quote to share with new, awesome friend Carin. Here goes:

"Every ending is a beginning. Think of an ending that is happening in your life. What is the beginning hidden within it? When we embrace the future without dragging the past with us, we look at what's before us with a fresh heart.

So...finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders...have crept in; forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenly and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with old nonsense." -Emerson

Ok, so it's a looong one, but what an empowering message. Granted we are taught to believe, even conditioned perhaps that we learn from our mistakes. I suppose that's true, however, it's the dwelling on those mistakes I think that keeps one from moving forward. In our head, heart & soul.

My friend, have a SERENE day.


PS: The name of the book: "Things Good Mothers Know. A Celebration." by Alexandra Stoddard. It is amazing. When it is dry. She also wrote another called "Things I Want My Daughters to Know."

Carin said...

HOLLY! Love the comment! Love Alexandra Stoddard!

Thank you thank you for taking the time to write all that...I will definitely return and reread.

Heading to


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

love your blog! I found Kelle's blog then found yours! I am trying to start blogging...want to keep track of everything for my boys...but more for me! It's not as easy as I had thought, so much to say...but where to start?
Keep it up, I enjoy reading your blog!

Holly said...

Cool! So glad you liked it! Alexandra Stoddard is awesome. Let me know what you think of "Things Good Mothers Know" It is peppered with amazing quotes/thoughts/musings etc; I am a quote girl. Can't decide if quotes or therapy help put things into perspective. Quotes are cheaper. Therefore saving money/that rationalization leads to: grabbing my best friends, opening a good bottle of wine/tequila, online shoe shopping and tons of laughs. Yeah, looove that rationalization.

Also, sorry to take up so much space in your comment section! I'm judging myself, I know...please feel free to email me anytime to pick up any chats you'd like to have on books, quotes, life! Think I'm gonna plant myself in the self-help section at Border's today for a bit. After car shopping, I'm going to need a few "quotie" type books to calm the nerves!

I think my email is in the comment box. If not, let me know. If you don't mind! Would love to chat, exchange favorite books, thoughts, inspirations etc; and would LOVE to hear how my East Lansing has evolved since I was a Spartan!!! :)

Carin said...

holly...certain quotes have changed my life...didn't see email address. Mine is

Kelle said...

Car, next time you come down, we're doing karaoke. Can't wait.
Emma! It was Britney Spears...remember? I remember that place like it was yesterday.

Brian Miller said...

have not worn a watch in years...karaoke sounds fun...i might be the one off key...smiles. thanks for popping over today from kulios

Emma said...

Scanning... memory ... banks... I definitely recall karaoke and quite sure now it was Britney. I just can't remember WHEN or WHERE or WHy hahahaha! I like thinking about it, making me laugh. Something about doing unexpected karaoke for a teacher audience at a pizza parlor is just funny!

Barb said...

Ok, I am LOVING the blog posts..they are sort of, well, you. And I mean this with all the love in my heart, as you know. But this format is SO YOU!! IT rocks and paints the best picture! And, I gotta say...SYD is growing up so fast. I'm so proud of her. xoxoxox!!!

Barb said...

Ok, I am LOVING the blog posts..they are sort of, well, you. And I mean this with all the love in my heart, as you know. But this format is SO YOU!! IT rocks and paints the best picture! And, I gotta say...SYD is growing up so fast. I'm so proud of her. xoxoxox!!!

Barb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
steno88 said...

I don't want to start off a comment about a smelly refrigerator so I will start off with I am enjoying your blog and your writing. I'm glad you are back to it again.

Okay the refrigerator: We had an anonymous odor before and it was the tray in the bottom of the fridge that catches the water. (I'm not very mechanical to describe it any better). Anywho, it may be that. . . . . Good luck.

Carin said...

checking the tray, steno...thank you for the comment.