Saturday, August 28, 2010

day 5, funk farewell.

Forty five minutes to post before the day concludes, which I might add, began blissfully with a french press of dunkin coffee, my favorite mug, and warm sunbeams as the five girls slept in.  Morning bliss turned into afternoon bliss as I dozed poolside, serenaded by dreamy sounds of happy girls.  Blissful afternoon turned into evening funk.  So, I grabbed my music and went for a run.  Ran my two miles, though it felt like fifty.  Funk remained.  Sent help text to Barb and sister, both of whom responded promptly, reminding me I am fierce.  I love them.  Made homemade pizza.  Power went out.  Lit candles and pretended to watch tv as we waited for maintenance man.  "Shh, my favorite part is coming up," one of us would say.  And, then we'd all laugh really hard.  "Wouldn't it be weird if our bodies ran on electricity and we were frozen right now?" Somer said.  "How about we act frozen when the man gets here and, then when the light flickers, we'll jerk our bodies."  More pretending.  More laughter.  Maintenance man finally arrived 45 minutes later, restored our power, and ruined our fun. 

My funk was gone.


WillowBean said...

LOVE it! You are the coolest mom on the planet. I'm inspired by your love :)

Kulio said...

And writing just before the deadline....ahhh, you are my girl. I know exactly about those days when the funk descends! Everything is going perfectly and then inexplicably there's this feeling of restlessness and frustration, but no outlet appears. Running was a great idea. And making silly memories.

mrc-w said...

Somer is so funny!
If I'm in a funk, I listen to funk! Like Parliament! Sometimes it works :)

Rosa said...

Ok funk or no funk, the part about acting frozen when the man arrived made me laugh out loud. I'm impressed that you made pizza, ran...and just kept going. :)

Amie said...

I just read your last three posts all at once, and I have to say I rather like the ramblings. Cute little tidbits from your day-good or bad. Keep it up, CHICA! And stay strong!

JKreeger said...

smiling. ear to ear. love you writing. love you loving to write. miss you so much.

Rik said...

Oh the sum of Somer. Where did she come from? I think she broke free somewhere along the journey, or maybe she started free and invites us all along. I am sitting frozen now...anticipating jerking my body when the power returns...nice metaphor...glad your power is returning...Jerk your body, it's called dancing.

Barb said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!! Love me that Somer. Oh, and that Syd, and that Sav.

Barb said...

HAHAHAHA!!!!! Love me that Somer. Oh, and that Syd, and that Sav.

Barb said...
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