Tuesday, August 31, 2010

day 8, a [feeble] attempt at profound.

“A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before...”

So tired...wanting this to be fluent, so wanting to seamlessly weave all my thoughts together tonight, but I keep backspacing and deleting and it's just...not there....so feeling this song...so wanting to write about connection... and yet my thoughts just aren't...connecting.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh said, “I must write it all out, at any cost. Writing is thinking. It is more than living, for it is being conscious of living.”  I am enjoying my blogging community...my family...my friends...and, the connections I am making...all because of writing the little insignificant details of my life....becoming more aware...more conscious of my living....and how when I'm more aware, I do notice these serendipitous connections.

Every choice we make
And every road we take
Every interaction
Starts a chain reaction

This is not feeling seamless. Forget woven tapestry.  I'm thinking more like exposed threads.  Frayed edges.  I'm laughing now.  I think I'm trying too hard.  Should have canned the song.  Or just blared it, danced with my girls, and left it at that.  I think if I were you and I was reading this, I would so be like, Ok, this girl is trying way too hard to be profound. 

And, I kind of am. 

I guess what I really want to say is I like this song. And, by writing my life this week, I have become more conscious of my life.  I have felt community.  I have felt connected.

And, I like.


Kulio said...

You do not know how refreshing your words are!

You are REAL!

You are thinking real thoughts, and they are coming out, trust me.

Words are free, so squander - especially here. I can feel you laughing in this post and it's perfect.

Joann said...

Ok, so now I am addicted to your blog in addition to Kelle's and Heidi's! I love the Lindbergh quote and then your comments.
I want to write to remember what is happening and for my Boys too. I look back at unfinished journals from years ago and when I read the words I feel like I am back in that moment....but I was never consistent. I want to keep track of what's happening and how I am feeling but sometimes the days go too fast and at night I am too tired.
But, I guess I should just keep writing and trying and as you said...."become more conscious of my life".
Thanks for the inspiration!

Rosa said...

I typed, deleted, retyped, re-deleted a comment. And came back...to just say, DITTO!

~ Yvonne ~ said...

I, too, am liking your words (and Heidi's and Kelle's like Joann above). Lots of really cool, innovative and funky clothes are intentionally sewn with the seams on the outside. There is no hiding how they were made and it is interesting and fun that way. Your words are like that to me; putting different but complimentary fabrics together, obviously, and perhaps even with another colour thread, too. Loving the start of your 30 days blogging. Very inspiring.

Tisha said...

had you not said you were TRYING too hard to be profound, then perhaps you might have been trying too hard.

but by outing yourself you made your works sound endearingly real and "real is always profound".


LOL was that profound?

hdbl said...

i really do love you. and love reading anything you write because you are simply

1. Funny
2. Real
3. One-of-a-Kind

And that, my friend is enough profound in one person.


Gini said...

I have been reading your stuff for a while. Guess I just wanted to say this to you so you know you are touching peoples lives out in the blog world. I have taken on your plan of trying to write every day, though not claiming to have any writing talent AT ALL. But I am struggling with my life right now and need to do this for ME. How novel huh? Here's to helping ourselves a little along the way, while we face life one day at a time....

Tisha said...

see what happens when you dont re-read and retype...typo...

works = words.

Amie said...

I would like to know who these people are that DON'T write, delete, and re-write their posts. I know I'm a victim of that. Just don't stop writing. I love your honesty and your effort!

Barb said...

I love it when you try to be profound. Then, you like get ketchup on your nose. LOL. These are the many reasons I love you. XOXO.

Annie said...

What a difference 'being conscious of living' can make. Thank you for the reminder.

Dadwah said...

Seamless is overrated. The word is overused at my workplace. Seamless delivery of care...blah blah blah. Visible seams are nice. They tell us and others where we were torn and are now mended. They remind us we are pieces put together. They should be seen. They should be celebrated. Here's to seams (picture a vodka/grapefruit in my one hand as I type with the other). Yes, it seems I like my seams.