Wednesday, August 29, 2012

let there be light and chore charts.

The mantle needed some light, so the forsythia had to go.  After another altercation about cleaning, I called Barb in a huff and went to Rite-Aid for poster board (mom, you never said to empty the trash or wipe down the counters, you just said to clean the kitchen really well), as though the real problem was not having detailed descriptions.  Kind of like having the perfect containers.  I have been guilty of spending considerable amounts of time deliberating over which bin would miraculously make me a clean person, wasting precious time that could have been spent pitching, eliminating the need for bins altogether.  Why do I trick myself into thinking it's all about the tools...if I just had the right bins.  Perhaps because it's easier - easier to believe the solution is outside rather than within.  While I know having enough space and the right tools do help, so would consistency and laying down the law.  It's just that there are times when mess honestly doesn't bother me that much - almost like I don't even see it or even think to corral everyone to do a five minute pick-up.  And, organization just doesn't come naturally, like I missed the sorting lesson in kindergarten.  So, then it builds...

But alas, I move forward, determined to be better than yesterday!


Unknown said...

I'm get it. I spend more time making lists of what I should be doing, trying to find the perfect bins for the crap to go in and spending my time thinking "what if I need that someday" when really I just need to purge and get ready for fresh beginnings

Ashleigh said...

Perhaps because it's easier - easier to believe the solution is outside rather than within.

This applies to everything. Reading it applied to cleaning reminds me of that.

And lists... don't get me started.

P.S. I like the name :)

CFaith said...

I *LOVE* that it is necessary to make "replace liner" a step all its own. And I totally understand why you can't just write "shake rugs." I too have seen my rugs shaken in the house. Good luck with the lists! I have created said lists for myself, because I understand the search for the perfect bin all too well.

Carey King said...

You crack me up, in a laughing in my head at my desk sort of way;) Love your charts- do you think they work for a household with just a husband for help?;) atleast you can boss your kids around, I can't boss my husband around haha.. So yea, my life is like literally worlds different to yours but your writing is insightful so I'm here, still reading:) Carry on Obi Wan hehe.

Anonymous said...

I had the cleaning altercation and huff this week too. Swishing dishes around in somewhat soapy water and throwing them in the strainer is NOT doing the dishes. *sigh*

Tisha said...

i keep buying fancy floor cleaners in hopes that it will make my floors cleaner... but all of them require MY participation...none of which I have the time or inclination to give.

Anonymous said...
