Thursday, May 23, 2013

art fair


It's really nice to like where you live.


Adriana Iris said...

reason why I adore where I live is because there is so much art underneath all these Spanish moss.
Must love where you live for sure.

Jamie said...

I found the Asian cousin of that green VW van in Taipei last weekend! [here: ]

Tali said...

Wish I would have bumped into you here! Looking forward to our upcoming lunch date soon! :)

Great pix!

Anonymous said...

It is nice however I will never forget Madonna being interviewed once and saying, "I just wanted to get the hell out of Michigan." Can't blame her. I could never live where there was no ocean or coast.

lynn said...

You are very lucky. I keep trying to find the good in where I live, but it continues to elude me.