time to putz and daydream and sit and do nothing. Some time to stare
at walls, write, listen to music, sip wine, take a bath and then do it all over again.
I had a little bit of time yesterday and finished my girls' room - a simple makeover
that began over a month ago. And, then I walked around a bit with my camera,
looking for lovely things and deliberately stopping to hear birds, smell
grass, and feel the breeze on my skin.
After stepping back to behold the finished room and after snapping a few
pictures inside and out, I cracked open a midday beer, sat on my porch, and did
nothing but pay attention to the moment.
And, it was lovely.
This post dedicated to Phyllis Nobles, aka India Banks
Im so glad you got your day. Love the pics. Xoxo
I love the muted colors of the last image. That wall color is gorgeous...we've just painted our house but I may 'steal' that color the next time we paint!
Have a lovely weekend x
crying now. i swear when you got to the smelling grass part - i SMELLED the grass. your girls'room. i just love everything about it. so much love and beauty - i want those light shades and those quilts. want to walk in and tuck girls in for the night. your first sentence. i've been craving slowness. i am so deeply honored and inspired by you xx
Love your girls' room. Makes me want you to come over to my house and give me an idea of what do to with the bedroom for my kids. : )
And paying attention to the moment - what a wonderful reminder. All about the balance.
The chippy paint, that's where my heart is. Love it.
Your girls are sure lucky to have you. x
Beautiful wall color!! What color is it??
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