Saturday, August 03, 2013

Color Run 2013.

If you've never run The Color Run, 
Go. Sign. Up.
I ran it a few weeks ago with Syd and Somer and had a blast. 
I'd recommend making sure your youngest has enough sleep the night before...
About a few yards into it, mine was hot, thirsty, had a side cramp, paint in her eye, 
lip pain, clavicle pain, cuticle pain, you name it...
she'd see an ambulance and say things like,
"they're going to rescue me and you're going to feel like a horrible mom 
for telling me to push myself."
I think we may have had more fun after the race as we walked back 
to the honda laughing so hard at our reenactments of each other. 
Despite Somer's ailments, I don't think I've ever seen so many happy people in one place...

Go sign up!


phyllis nobles said...

I've been checking in all day because I had a feeling you'd stop by :) I LOVE THESE PHOTOS!!! Looks like so much fun and you're setting such a good example for your daughters to be runners despite what Somer thinks lol :) x

Just me said...

I very much liked "cuticle pain" !!!

For all the times I whinged at my parents for taking me outdoors, up mountains, or into sports, I have been one thousand times more grateful for their influence on my health and life. I was about to say, so don't give up when they complain, but then, evidently you haven't and won't!

Way to go, Super Mom!

Best wishes from the Alps,

Olivia said...

That looks pretty awesome :)