And the weekend comes to a close...I worked all of it, but managed to fit in a bit of cake baking with Savannah, a Yahtzee game with Sydney, snuggles on the couch with the Sumz, and even a Sweetest Day dinner at Dusty's Tap Room with my man (where I confirmed my suspicion that I really do love stout...the dark, chocolatey, coffeeish flavors dance across my tongue like magic. In the words of Amy March..."Divinity.")
There's still much hemming and hawing going on in my mind about church. Our "home church" (as of August, when we moved here) seems quite perfect as far as professionalism and "excellence" goes - great graphics; flawless, hip music; heavy focus on the arts; good coffee...however it just feels as though something is missing, something I can't quite put my finger on...heart, perhaps, and a bit of rawness. Frustrated, we tried another church which was refreshingly warm and welcoming, yet quite cheesy. More later...
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