Wednesday, February 13, 2008

self portrait challenge [blue]

Going blue...

To go green.

For more blue, click here.


Kelle said...

omg! That's SO creative! I gotta get some of those! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I am a big advocate for reusable bags, too. It is amazing how much of a difference just one person's efforts can make.

Kelly Hutcheson said...

ATTA' GIRL!! I've been promoting those reusable bags from Publix and people laugh at me! I want to stand outside the store and sell them like Girl Scout Cookies!!!!!!!!! xoxo

mrc-w said...

Yay, Go Green! :)

Anonymous said...


Kulio said...

Ohhhh, now THAT'S the kind that I want - it's gotta be square! Betcha I know where you got 'em...

Unknown said...

go you!!!