Tuesday, March 25, 2008

she is always quick to greet me, calling me by name. she sometimes brings me chocolate, like these hershey kisses I received friday morning.
she is one of my kind, starbucks baristas.
thank you, liz.


Kelle said...

Aw, poo. I want a barista who brings me coffee and kisses. I'm gunna find me a Liz.
How'd Somer's painting turn out?
Word Verification: mwqkufrt.
I think it's a really, really, really bad word.

Kulio said...

me too.
Like Norm! from Cheers....

Tisha said...

i'm loving all the posts! the people at the lunch place across the street from where I work know my name. i like that, it makes me want to eat there more. maybe that is their strategy...

JoannCryderman said...

Oh, I want a Starbucks barista, too! And Kelle, I'm pretty sure my word verification is a polish swear word: zaihhjof!

Anonymous said...
