Friday, April 25, 2008

raindrops on roses...

combining function and beauty
homemade pizza with goat cheese, artichokes & spinach
red patent bandolinos for $9
remembering to buy toilet paper before yelling for napkins...
these are a few of my favorite things.


Our Family said...

remembering....definitely a favorite thing!

the laundress said...

ahhahahahah...i busted out the napkins for COMPANY tonight...nothing too horrifying about that is there? ahhahah

I was also out of handsoap, lmbo i passed in the JOY! (can you say janky)

Kulio said...

Ohhhh love those love those shoes.

Also, I must share - I have been on a quest to never run out of TP again, and found a beautiful solution. Subscribe and Save - I receive a shipment of TP (Cottonelle), at 23cents a roll, every 2 months, free shipping, no tax...YES!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

red patent BANDOLINOS for
9 dollars! big smile! :)

i can not tell you how many times we revert to kleenex... napkins... paper towels! i never learn!

that is my FAVORITE kind of pizza hands down!

happy Saturday to you! XOXO

Kelle said... we even ever have those. We run out of napkins and use toilet paper at the dinner table. Costco, Baby.

Tisha said...

Ha! I am ever in fear of running out of TP. LOVE those shoes, sooo cute!