Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My bracelet arrived! You should have seen how cool it was packaged...I want to order lots of stuff now, just to enjoy the unwrapping! Thank you, Carissa!


Tisha said...

That is so cool, Love it!

Our Family said...


JoannCryderman said...

I love it!! Where is it from? Do they have a website?

Trish said...

You were one of the winners -- That's awesome! I love Carissa's site and shop. I'm hoping to purchase something soon. I just can't decide what.

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

oh good! i am so glad it arrived... :).
i really do hope you like it!
thanks so much!

and oh yes... dropping by with Panera bagels WOULD be pure bliss! :) what a hoot that would be. just the thoughtfulness made me smile! :)

carie said...

the package is fantastic...the bracelet is amazing!

Kulio said...

Oh that is so cool!!!

Lisa Y. said...

Wanting one...

mrc-w said...

I love creative and pretty packaging like that! Jon's sister-in-law is such a pro at wrapping gifts, yours reminds me of her wrappings. The bracelet is so pretty too!