Monday, April 21, 2008

scenes from a playground


carie said...

you totally froze those moments so perfectly...bravo!

Tisha said...

wow are those with the new lens? great collage.

Beth said...

Ok! Top center adorable!! Someone needs to teach me how to make stuff like this! I need some computer classes. Help!!!

Carin said...

it's super easy...go to and click on mosaic maker. wahlah. no class needed.

Carin said...

yes, teesh, taken with the new lens.

Our Family said...

those are FANTASTIC!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

okay... you're killing me!
incredible shots!
you are capturing their joys perfectly! my mouth is still open in awe! too good!

Gini said...

very inspiring...i need about 4 or 5 more hours in the day to take time and just take it!

Kelle said...

CARIN!!! Those are amazing! OMG!!!

Kelly Hutcheson said...

WOW! I love these pix! Amazing!!! Priceless!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE, I mean LOVE your mosaic!!! So perfect!

mrc-w said...

I love all of the new pictures, Carin!! Thanks for posting them :)

Heidi said...

so great! they look profesional too!

Anonymous said...

Was it Somer's turn to wear your eyes that day? Freeeeeeeeekkkkkeeee! She certainly has them. Ok, I'm asking for another word verification here--this one looks like a scribble and I hate getting them wrong.