Thursday, May 29, 2008

more molly...


Tisha said...


i love brides and weddings.

Anonymous said...

Your photographs will make brides want to marry again...and again...and again! Not a good thing...but your photgraphs are yummy.

Kelly Hutcheson said...

STUNNING! I want to renew my vows and have u both take pix!! xoxo

Heidi said...

Ditto on what Kell said;0
you two are amazing together. Carin, maybe you can do a family photo shoot for us while we are MI?!!! I would LOVE for you to do that. Jeff wants more pics done and we are leaving so soon, I didn't ask Kelle yet.

Kulio said...

ohhh, more gorgeous. Love these. I especially love the first one, because before the wedding my children were all a little nervous about what Molly would look like. One of them says, "Do you think she's going to wear makeup?" They REALLY didn't want her to! Ha! Then they saw her and everything was okay - everything about her was just so glowing and beautiful that day. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love your eye. Does that sound weird? You know what I mean. =)