Somer needs some new ones. Sometime last week, I found her bagging up what appeared to be her whole sock drawer. Apparently, she was making "sock puppets" for all the kids in her class. She was so pleased with her project, there was no way I could be upset. So, I helped her address each bag, and we passed them out to her class later that morning. (notice the high school musical sleep mask on her forehead that she's been sleeping in by night, and wearing as a headband by day)
!!! Imagine my delight as a new blog post appeared just as I was looking at your blog !!! That is cute about the sock puppets for her class. One time I didn't want to take a nap and my mom made me take one anyways, so I drew all over my undies with a marker. I don't think my mom was as pleased, haha ;)
Sock puppets for others...creative and kind. She has an angel's heart--I swear!! I really can't get enough of Soms...I really think I should just raise her until she is, say...20. (Like you could be without her for...say 20 minutes.
okay... THAT is the sweetest dad gum thing ever! precious angel!
Laughing out loud. Those lucky kids who got those sock puppets. They better have been thankful. She is the sweetest thing ever. Like Sumz would choose Dad over me. Hello? I live in Florida. She's so gunna choose the pool. Send her to me until 20. She'll like me better.
So great! I love that you just went with it. What a sweetheart thought. Is your profile quote Nelson Madela? I have heard it before and LOVE it.
Love the blog-a-thon. Keep it coming! Somer is precious. And I thought the same as Kelle - those kids better appreciate those puppets!
Oh, and Molly your comment made me laugh out loud! You really showed your mom! haha!!
I have been checking your blog everyday just waiting for what inspirational pictures and words you might have to share with the rest of us and........the wait was well worth it! I was laughing at the sock puppets! That is so cute! Somer is so cute! I love the night mask/headband too! That is great! We need to get together so I can see you! :)
What a love! So thoughtful of Som, to make puppets for her friends! I say let her creativity SHINE! :o)
I hope that when Jonah is older I am as understanding of a mom like you are. I love that your response was to just buy more socks. I want to be a great mom like you when I grow up!
thank goodness it's summer..no pun..who need's socks anyway??
love the headband..and your parenting style...
That's adorable, Carin.
I'm glad you've posted again. I've missed reading your blogs and seeing your lovely pictures. And I miss pouring that daily cup of coffee. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers often. I"m looking forward to hearing stories about the girls' adventures from Juji soon!
LOVE her creativity and her generosity. What a sweetie!!
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