Wednesday, June 04, 2008

stay tuned...

I am off today and tomorrow. Getting ready to go on a "picnic" with the Sumz to our clubhouse where we will sit in hot tub, eat mac & cheese (she wants me to make it "slippery") and sip ginger ale. Maybe I'll find a little mojo and return to blogland with recipes, pics, and the nitty gritty of my life. Keep your fingers crossed...


Lisa Y. said...

Oh, good. Bring on the blog-a-thon. I've missed you! Naptime blog reading has been sparse lately.

JoannCryderman said...

Fingers, toes, even eyes. ha! Missing and loving you.

Beth said...

You've got nitty gritty and your day still seems cheerier then mine....maybe I need a Sumz....can I barrow? I make my mac & cheese slippery too!!

Heidi said...

...can't wait!! I love your blog:)

Anonymous said...

Finally...the blog block ends. Not that I haven't enjoyed that deliciously chubby thigh, but I have made so many hits to this cobwebbed blog, I was sending the East Lansing Police by the place to check for signs of life. Welcome back--I have missed your creative views on life!

mrc-w said...

Somer is so cute! I love how she fell asleep at the wedding and slept through all the noise :) Have a fun picnic!
P.S. We need to hang out again soon!

Tisha said...

yay! can't wait for the updated post! Have fun with Somer!

Stephanie said...

YAH!! Can't wait! You girls have F-U-N! Mac-n-cheese...YUMMY!

carie said...

i love that you both love ginger me that just proves you are true michigan girls!!!