Monday, November 03, 2008


to the pumpkins, cider, and meltdowns post.
savannah read my blog.
said I needed to clarify.
she's right.
I was the one.
I "melted down".
it was I.
not the girls.
not entirely.
I forgot to buy matches.
and candles.
they freaked out.
I freaked out more.
everyone was freaking out.
sydney saved the day.
ran to the neighbors.
returned with candles.
I rigged up a flame.
because I rig things.
kind of like mcguyver.
paper towel and the stove burner.
"make do".
it's my motto.
it all worked out.
it always does.
all that freaking out for nothing.
all cleared up.
savannah will be happy.


Heidi said...

ha ha. i have sooooo done the paper towel thing. trying to get the candle lit before the paper towel runs out in turn burns the house down, is NO easy thing.


mrc-w said...

Hahaha you are a good mom to admit to the meltdown! I would've melted down too!

mrc-w said...

P.S. my word verification was Syria! Aren't they supposed to be made-up words? Not countries, haha?
Oh good, this one is clinggr - that's much better! The made-up words remind me of ikea, haha :)

Anonymous said...


Krista said...

jack is so much like savannah....always keeping us on our toes!