Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I walked alone on orchard street





I voted.
for change.
for hope.
for my girls.
it was the coolest.
to be a part of history.
I got chills as I selected my candidate.
and again as we gathered at the command center.
I walked alone on orchard street.
the morning sun on my face.
kicking leaves with each step.
clipboard in one hand.
knocking on doors with the other.
I felt empowered.
thinking of the women before me who couldn't vote.
thinking of my girls.
and all I want for them.
I voted.
for change.
for hope.
for my girls.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Ghandi


Our Family said...

is that susan vega?

you go girl! i had tears in my eyes tonight. i was so proud and inspired!

Heidi said...

wow. powerful words carin! u inspire so well.
you should have been obama's campaign mangr:)

HWHL said...

Love this, Carin. It's beautiful. I'm about to put a link on my blog to my friend KBL's blog - she is an immigrant from the Middle East - her post on what yesterday meant to her put tears in my eyes....


dig this chick said...


so cool.

I just keep getting chills and the comments people have been leaving on my blog are incredible.

I canvassed yesterday in the cold, rainy, conservative valley to the east of Missoula. I too with my clipboard and door hangers. I thought about all of the thousands of volunteers out there somewhere doing it too....and you were one of them.

Happy Day.

Anonymous said...

Please, Carin, don't change. Not at all.

mrc-w said...


Kulio said...

I had the same feeling about voting. Strong. Proud.
Early in the year I didn't even want to vote at all, and then I just got completely disgusted with myself. That act is becoming more and more precious to me each time I have the opportunity.
So cool.

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

beautiful words Carin!
roar woman roar! way to go!

a gift... a privilege... we are SO very lucky!

Beth said...

I love to vote......it is always a proud moment and a moment I feel strong and that I matter! You write so good I wish I knew how to put things into words like you do! I feel it girl I feel it!

Our Family said...

can't stop the goosebumps.

the feeling of patriotism...

the worlwide relief and celebration.

america matters...the world is watching us.

Anonymous said...

It has been three days. Your president has shared conversation with 9 world leaders, rallied support for an economic stimulus proposal, measured for drapes at the white house, hopefully scolded Michelle for the repulsive dress she wore the night he was elected and explored the new puppy for the girls. And you haven't changed your blob post yet. Come on--the key word is CHANGE.

Carin said...

measured for drapes? well then, I'm surprised you aren't calling him your president as well.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he is my president...and he has my allegiance, support and prayers. I am not like those watching and measuring for promises to be broken or proposed plans to be changed--I hope he leads our nation to a renewed economic prosperity, a restored "bye partisan" unity and a repaired global image. I just hope Michelle doesn't use the same style sense that called her to choose that red and black dress on election day to select draperies...I am waiting by the phone to consult them.

CrazyD said...

I totally agree with Beth. You are an amazing writer! I can never get my thoughts out on paper/internet so eloquently like you do. Keep rockin' it girl.

Glad you like our name choice, Anderson- it's the only one we had and I love it too! I hope people call him that and not try to nickname him.

I will work on getting more blogs and pics up soon!

Anonymous said...

So, How do you feel now about your golden boy and the "HOPE"? Not much of the hope left , especially for our kids, whose future he has stolen , but a lot of " change" , not for the best though.
Love your blog and your pictures anyway, even if you are so wrong about the "One":-)