Monday, November 03, 2008

yes, we can


HWHL said...

I am so ready for tomorrow!

Anonymous said...



Kulio said...

That was amazing!

mrc-w said...

Love this!!!!!!! Thanks for posting it!

Carin said...

oh, mrs. fabulous, I miss you!

HWHL said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog! Interestingly, my pastor ALSO "talked politics" a couple weeks ago (which initially made me very squeamish)... but he was SO right on the money. First, he refused to say who he was going to vote for. THEN, he said if you have to go to a church where everyone is a Republican, or everyone is a Democrat, you'll have a tough time here (my church is very diverse - multi-racial, mult-cultural, etc.) And THEN he wrapped it up by saying, basically, "Guys, God is WAY bigger than America, WAY bigger than democracy... and our citizenship in the God's kingdom is far, far more important than our citizenship in the USA."

It was really cool!

Anyway, so glad you and I have similar taste in movies, books, etc (and I'm ALWAYS loving the music on your site!) :-)

Have a great day tomorrow and let's all pray for our newly elected leaders, whomever they may be. They will definitely need our prayers.

Liann said...

Wow! That was really good! Probably the best video out there in this campaign!

Voting TODAY!
