Sunday, April 26, 2009

race for the cure




how cool it was, to see them round the corner holding hands!





how cute is she.


running for my cousin, mary, a breast cancer survivor.


I started the race off with this 78 year old man...we were chatting
as we were waiting to begin...said he was aiming for 27 minutes and that I
better not pass him or make him look bad. later on, I saw him and ran after
him to see how he finished. Sure enough, he finished at 27:15, easily
beating my 30.42. So, I had Savannah snap a picture...afterwards,
he told me I should try the Crim, a huge race in Flint I was well aware of,
where people come from all over the world to run. Then, he told me who he was...
THE Bobby Crim who actually started the Crim Race!
couldn't resist this


I seem to spend a lot of time blog is starting to look
like an advertisement for the city of lansing!



My girls and I ran the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
at the Capitol today...I did the 5k and they did the kids' mile.
There were probably over 8000 people there...the energy
was was so neat to be part of such a huge event
honoring women....oh, it was a great day!


mrc-w said...

Carin that is so cool!! It looks like you guys had a great time. And how cool to meet Bobby Crim! I like the face paint too :)

Wilde said...

Love the "FOR MARY"! And, wow, Bobby Crim--so neat. Proud of all of you!

Wilde said...

Also, love that Journey song--thanks! xoxo

dad said...

A fierce run for a fierce survivor. I am so very proud of all four of you wonder-girls. Run on! OK, no lie, your word verification is aporhoti!

Kelle said...

I cried reading this. Not even sure why. Seeing the "for mary." seeing the girls together. Somer's little go-get-'em face. But, mostly just because I am so proud of you. You are creating the strongest, most powerful women. Women who will look back on all the memories you've created for them...and the legacy of creating the fabulous life you want. You are doing it every day. Love the pic of all you guys in the mirror. Word verification says "pretti." indeed. Love you. Keep runnin. And don't stop believin.

Kulio said...

Hook Up Gene jumps into action!!!! You totally win with Bobby Crim -- no WAY! 78??? That's so great. And your time ain't too shabby either - that's a great time!

Beth said...

Love this post......(eyes filled with tears)not even sure why just because I love you and your girls and what your doing! You are inspiring to me! You are woking hard and it is starting to show and pay off. What a great weekend.... This race, the cause, your job, your little lady, and I'm sure knowing you there is even more:)

Love YOU!

Amy said...

You dusted off your shoes indeed and you did GREAT!!! What an amazing cause and so proud of you! I know you and your girls were feeling good all weekend!

Way to go! Sign up for that next race!

Desire of Great Love said...

this is awesome- I'm so proud of you & the girls... sticking together like gorilla snot (the glue :P).

I love the story you continue to tell w/your photos.
Keep it up chika! [[[hugs]]]

hdbl said...

look at your little family unit.

you guys are inspiring!

Tisha said...

go girls! i love how each of you has customized your shirts. love that you all ran the race as a family of lovely ladies. :)

Heidi said...

oh carin...these pics are sooooo great!

seeing those two rounding that corner holding hands, sydney has a look of dtermination on her face...PRICELESS. omg...this is the best post ever!!!

love the 'love boobs' guy. that cracks me up. and, i can't b the guy you were talking to was the actual guy who started the race. out of all those cool.

your girls are so lucky to have each other. you are raising some of the best little girls i have ever known. love them and you.

good job on the race too!

Lisa Y. said...

SO proud of you!!! Mary will be touched!!

pwdrd donuts said...

I missed this post somehow... until tonight. LOVE it. I need to run one of these for my sister!

I ran the Crim - there was a girl who asked me to stop talking to her while we were running because she was planning to kick tail (mine I assumed). She was head to toe spandex/running gear/expensive shoes/headbands/wristbands/arm blood pressure odometer. So I stopped talking to her and let her run on ahead of me. Not sure how, but I saw her the last tenth of the last mile and well... passed her like she was walking. But I said NOTHING to her as I passed... didn't want to mess up her last kick!

Carin said...


hdbl said...

I'm sick of Capitol part 3. get a new post. do it or i'll crawl up your butt.

your friend,

Mister Pinworm.