Wednesday, July 07, 2010



There are those moments in our unpredictable lives that don’t make sense…And then there are those moments when life just seems clear. When the stars are aligned and all is exactly as it should be...

Exhibit A: McCormick Family Reunion. Leesburg, Virginia. A celebration of Grandpa and Grandma’s sixty years of marriage. And, it was magic...It had been so many years since we've all been together and it was everything I'd hoped it be...chatting late into the night with cousins and Uncle Mark...falling asleep so excited to wake up to the sound of my aunts' laughter...sitting jammied around the breakfast table long into the morning with hands wrapped around lukewarm cups of coffee and never wanting to leave...dancing with my 81 year old Grandma with all my cousins - because all she wanted was to dance with her grandkids…singing the doxology before dinner and later, hymns with Grandpa around the piano for what could be the last time…seeing tears run down the faces of my cousins while brushing away my own…oh, it was good…so, so good.

There was chaos…with air mattresses and make-shift beds everywhere you looked. Lost flip flops, empty toilet paper rolls, and lots of spills. “Nothing was tidy, but everything was perfect,” my cousin’s wife Maddie said.

And it was perfect….a sweet reminder of where I came from, who I am, and who I want to be…a reminder to embrace and celebrate my life with all its imperfections, believing that, like my weekend, it is exactly as it should be.


Joann said...

Sounds heavenly! So glad you were all able to go. "Family" rocks. Love you.

Kulio said...

I just feel this welling up of happiness for you! Not tidy, but perfect. A good mantra for life.

I love your photos - there's something about them that speaks of you - can't tell what it is, but they just "feel like you".

love u

Bonjour! said...

,,,"family" while perfectly "imperfect" sweetly reminds us how we cannot live without them,,,so happy your weekend was "perfect",,,

,,,your photos are magical,,,through your lens you capture your thoughts and your feelings from the heart,,,

be well!

meg duerksen said...

this made me cry!!!!

Lena said...

This made me cry as well. Making memories is so important.

Loved your photography and the sweetness and depth of your post.

iColossus / Monster said...

Oooh, your photos look so timeless and classic!

Wilde said...

Beautiful, just beautiful.

Tisha said...

what a wonderful reunion! your grandma looks just like i remember her.

love what you did to the pictures.

Heidi Lee said...

The pictures are beautiful. I love them. Looked like a grand time.

I know how you feel when it comes to family getting together, I am sure you didn't want it to end!

Kelle said...

Tears. I wish so badly we could have been there. I felt it. I felt every bit of it from these pics. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Does your father ever visit and leave comments on your blog? His comments are always interesting, creative and colorful with words.

Your photos are lovely.

Carpe Diem!

WillowBean said...

I love what you did with your photos! Wasn't it just a magical weekend? I had a great time chatting with you... we should try to get together every once in a while :)

Emma said...

What incredible photos. You guys have the beauty genes and I especially love the one of you at the piano bench w/ Aunt Kris. I hope you don't mind but I went to the etsy site of the above commenter and I am in awe. I will surely be ordering a dress for Ren. Wow. XXOO

Carin said...

thank you!

Yes, WAS magical!!

Emma...I miss you. And, Madi will be thrilled.

Tracey Axnick said...

This sounds wonderful... we used to have huge family reunions every Summer when I was a kid, but it's been years....

What a special even for you and your family. I know it was wonderful for your grandparents...

Lovely post.