Sunday, February 17, 2008

lost in language

I'm anxious tonight. Restless. Feeling inexplicably inspired, yet inept, as I seek to delightfully discover some satisfying sort of creative catharsis...browsing poetic, pictorial blogs in search of that trigger that will produce, poignantly perhaps, just the right literary lingo I'm longingly looking for. Wanting to write, reread and repeat until I enjoy the rhapsodic rythym of well written, worthwhile words. Something eloquent, I hope. Engagingly entertaining; full of magical, musical metaphors making me mirror mighty masters of cleverly crafted compositions. Still...nothing.

And yet I write.

" not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow." --- Louis L’Amour.


Just a bunch of entangled, elaborate ideas I cannot seem to appropriately articulate. My mind a miscellaneous, meandering monologue muddled with chaotic and cluttered confusion. A labyrinthine, lava lamp leaving me lost in language...


Anonymous said...
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Tisha said...

I enjoyed reading what you wrote, my favorite parts were the "M" words.

I'm not sure it was your intent, but it made me laugh. :)

Lisa Y. said...

Beautiful blog, Carin! I'll have to explore more when I have time. Maybe during tomorrow's daycare naptime I'll get a chance. Love you. -Cousin Lisa

Anonymous said...

If you are a lava lamp, I will put you in my living room, turn off all other lights and just enjoy your special moving, warming glow. You, your concise words, your captured images and your creative spirit are so precious to me.

they keep me laughing said...

I love reading your blogs, although I do feel like I need a dictionary handy to completely understand what you're saying. :)