Tuesday, May 20, 2008


"Today will be joyous, for the beauty slamming against my face is unwilling to be ignored."

I love these cards. For more inspiration, take a dip in the pondering pool.


Jennifer said...

LOOOOVE that quote!! Hitting print button...


HWHL said...

Love your blog!
Noticed you're reading one of my favorite books.... "Bird by Bird"... I'm a huge Ann Lamott fan! You'll have to visit my blog - I have a great audio interview with her posted on my blog. She is wonderful!


carie said...

What an amazing site...can't pick a favorite...they all speak to me in a different way...what a find!!!

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

ewwwwwe... LOVE that! thanks for that tip!

Anonymous said...

I love the "laughed ourselves to death" card...what a way to exit. Now Carin, you could write cards--and provide the photos too, weaving words like your mother does fine yarn, creating your own special afghan of affirmation and affection that others can wrap around their bruised spirits and hurting hearts. You, with few words speak volumes. So many things for you to begin trying!

Stephanie said...

LOVE the quote! I hit the button...WOW! :o)

Kelle said...

I want them all...blown up to 8 x 10s in crisp white frames...lined up all over an entire wall. GLUE STICK, Baby. Glue stick.

Tisha said...

those cards are so great! I loved the quote from "working on it" and the picture from "state of mind".

Heidi said...

can't pick a fave...want to post them all over my house, any every house!!!
From last post: LOVE that you want to be in an Indie Film! I am not laughing...u could do it:)

Jennifer said...

Kelle is on her way to you...

it makes me happy to imagine that sister "hello hug"...

Enjoy and drink that sister time in. Love you both.